Caritas Lebanon President Father Michel Abboud visited the Head of the Alawite Islamic Council in Lebanon, Sheikh Muhammad Asfour in Jabal Mohsen – Tripoli.
Caritas Lebanon President Father Michel Abboud visited the Imam of Dar Al Fatwa in Tripoli Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Imam, congratulating him on being elected.
Donor representatives visited Caritas Lebanon’s to explore the projects carried out under the “Support for Social Recovery Needs of Vulnerable Groups in Beirut” project.
Caritas Lebanon President Father Michel Abboud received a delegation from the UNICEF to explore ways of cooperation in the fields of health and education.
Caritas Lebanon in cooperation with the Internal Security Forces organized an awareness session under the title “Not for Rent, Not for Sale, No for Human Trafficking”.
On the occasion of Caritas Lebanon’s 50 years jubilee, a celebration was held at Saida, where Caritas first started in Lebanon, with the participation of Saida Deputies.
Caritas Lebanon President Father Michel Abboud received from President Michel Aoun the Silver Medal of Merit to honor its 50 years of serving humanity.