Latest From Caritas

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Our Mission

CARITAS provides economic development, livelihoods, health and social care, education, service to foreign refugees, emergency and crisis intervention, environmental supervision and protection of the needy, in coordination with the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops, dioceses, and priests.

Our Vision

CARITAS Lebanon is striving for a developed, sustainable, and environmentally inclusive world. We believe that all human beings have a common origin and are created in the image of God and have the same dignity. The main pillars of Caritas Lebanon’s Vision are Solidarity, Prosperity and Fraternity. “Treat people, especially the weak and marginalized, as a brother who needs help and support” (Matthew 25:31-46).

Caritas (Latin equivalent word for charity) was founded in 1897 in Freiburg, Germany. In 1972, the Jesuit Brother Elie Maamari founded Caritas South Lebanon in cooperation with this region bishops. It became Caritas Lebanon on September 9th, 1976.

Over five decades of its existence, Caritas has honored its commitment and pledge to the needy.

Caritas (Latin equivalent word for charity) was founded in 1897 in Freiburg, Germany. In 1972, the Jesuit Brother Elie Maamari founded Caritas South Lebanon in cooperation with this region bishops. It became Caritas Lebanon on September 9th, 1976.

Over five decades of its existence, Caritas has honored its commitment and pledge to the needy.


Social Services


Educational Services


Healthcare Services


Migrant Services


Refugee Services


NGO's working with


Centers in Lebanon


Youth Volunteers


Embark the journey of change.

Spread Love and Kindness



Awareness Campaign against Human Trafficking

“Speak up Against Human Trafficking”; empowering society to recognize the signs of human trafficking and report them to the ISF in case of suspicion.

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Upcoming Activities

ASE for Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Owners

Under the ASE project funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation in cooperation with Caritas Switzerland & Caritas Denmark, Caritas Lebanon gives SME owners in Bekaa, Beirut or Mount Lebanon a chance to build a better tomorrow & if you are interested in: hiring a trained intern in Digital & ICT, Agriculture, Agro-processing or Light Construction, getting financial contribution for the trainee’s work for 3 months, & receiving financial support for your SME register today using this link: