Caritas Slovenia 23-25

Persons at risk of GBV and child violence

Donor Caritas Slovenia & Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia
Budget 275,000 EUR
Duration January 2023 - October 2025
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ZIVIK 2024

Donor IFA (Federal Foreign Office Of Germany)
Budget N/A
Duration 2024
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Donor Rondine Citadella Della Pace
Budget 60,000 EUR
Duration 2023 -2024
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PHASE – ADA 23-25

Protection and Health Assistance in Emergencies for Vulnerable Girl...

Donor Caritas Austria with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA)
Budget 1,300,000 EUR
Duration December 2023 - April 2025
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LEA: Eradication of All forms of forced labor and exploitation in Lebanon

  • Migrant Workers Communities
  • Migrant Domestic Workers...

Donor Funded by the European Union & the Austrian Development Cooperation, implemented by Caritas Austria, Caritas Lebanon, Kafa & Amel
Budget N/A
Duration January 2024 - December 2026
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ILO Prospects – Integrating Career Guidance and Employment Services in Akkar and North Lebanon

The project aims to establish smooth pathways for vulnerable Lebane...

Donor ILO
Budget 250,000 USD
Duration 2023-2024 (10 months)
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The overall objective of the project “Access to Protection and Li...

Donor Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Budget 1 Million USD
Duration 2022-2025 (3 years)
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ASE Program

This project, started in 2022 and still ongoing until September 202...

Donor NovoNordisk Foundation
Budget 1,7 Million USD
Duration 2022-2024 (2.5 years)
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Hand in Hand

The 24-month project “Hand in Hand: Integrated Social Protection ...

Donor Caritas Switzerland (In partnership with Caritas Lebanon)
Budget 1,000,000 USD
Duration 2020-2022 (2 years)
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