Since the beginning of the crisis in Syria on March 2011, the Emergency and Refugee Department has reached an estimated 500,000 refugees fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq, and other countries. The primary intervention sectors needed are Protection, Basic Assistance, Health, Education and Social Cohesion.
They are in-line with the “Reform, Recovery & Reconstruction Framework” (3RF), a continuation to the Beirut Port Explosions response of 2020 (Beirut Blast).
Caritas is also an implementing partner for OCHA under the Emergency Response Plan (ERP), born from the wombs of the Economic Crisis/Covid response.
Caritas programs target 8 LCRP sectors (out of 10), which objectives are listed as following :


Basic Assistance Sector

Strengthen the ability of vulnerable populations, households and individuals (including female-headed HHs, persons with disabilities and children), affected by seasonal hazards, economic crisis and emergencies, to secure and meet their basic survival needs.
UNHCR Lebanon, Secteurs/UrgentAid, Local Donations, Australia Sponsorship, EA21/23, Family 2 Family, USA Sponsorship, Milk-Diapers Kits, MPC4B


Education Sector

Enhance Access to, and Demand from Children, Youth and Their Caregivers, for Equitable Formal or Regulated Non-Formal Education. Improve the Quality of Education Services and Learning Environment to Ensure Grade-Appropriate Learning Outcomes for Children and Youth.
DCV-Dbayeh, RHEP, ASP-KMW, Beth Aleph, UNHCR Lebanon, Special Needs, EA21/23, ACL, ETL


Food Security Sector

Improve Food Availability using in-kind food assistance modality and sustainable food/agricultural value chain. Enhance Food Access through cash-based food assistance and support to sustainable agricultural livelihoods.
Local Donations, CRS-RC, WFP National, EA21/23


Health Sector

Improve access to comprehensive primary healthcare (PHCC and MMU), including access to hospital (plus ER care) and advanced referral care (advanced diagnostic laboratory and radiology care). Respect Fundamental Rights and Services for peoples in all their diversity with access to basic health services and information.
CRS-PWD, Beth Aleph, DCV-MH, Caritas Spain MMU, Local Donations, UNFPA National, EA21/23, BMZ, HAPPEN, COPE.


Livelihoods Sector

Stimulate Local Economic Development and Market Systems to Create Income Generating Opportunities and Employment. Improve Workforce Employability Comprising all Persons of Working Age, Where Employability Refers to a Set of Capacities & Abilities.
RHEP, USAID-Baladi, YAP Sponsorship, MicroProjects, EA21/23, HiH Buildings


Protection/CP/GBV Sector

Respect the fundamental rights of women, girls, men and boys in all their diversity to access an effective justice and protection system. Host population, Refugees and Migrants are safe, empowered and supported in their communities, with access to life saving services.
CRS-PWD, RHEP, Beth Aleph, UNHCR Lebanon, CRS-RC, DEP, ProVictimis, MIRA, CS-Shelters, Misereor


Social Stability

Set up a structure by local institutions (municipality, UoM, SDCs & gatherings) to enable the participation of residents, civil society & private sector, and collect their opinions on needs, priorities, and sources of tensions at the local level so as to inform local decision-makers.
USAID-Baladi, Youth Empowerment Program YEP, Local Donations



Respond to the immediate shelter needs of the most vulnerable households. Contribute to longer term repair or rehabilitation and occupancy of damaged buildings. Support multi-sectoral approaches to rehabilitate affected areas.
3BC-Cach, Humanitarian Aids, Local Donations, Hungary Helps, DCV-Rehab, EA21/23

Strengthen the ability of vulnerable populations, households and individuals (including female-headed HHs, persons with disabilities and children), affected by seasonal hazards, economic crisis and emergencies, to secure and meet their basic survival needs.
UNHCR Lebanon, Secteurs/UrgentAid, Local Donations, Australia Sponsorship, EA21/23, Family 2 Family, USA Sponsorship, Milk-Diapers Kits, MPC4B

Enhance Access to, and Demand from Children, Youth and Their Caregivers, for Equitable Formal or Regulated Non-Formal Education. Improve the Quality of Education Services and Learning Environment to Ensure Grade-Appropriate Learning Outcomes for Children and Youth.
DCV-Dbayeh, RHEP, ASP-KMW, Beth Aleph, UNHCR Lebanon, Special Needs, EA21/23, ACL, ETL

Improve Food Availability using in-kind food assistance modality and sustainable food/agricultural value chain. Enhance Food Access through cash-based food assistance and support to sustainable agricultural livelihoods.
Local Donations, CRS-RC, WFP National, EA21/23

Improve access to comprehensive primary healthcare (PHCC and MMU), including access to hospital (plus ER care) and advanced referral care (advanced diagnostic laboratory and radiology care). Respect Fundamental Rights and Services for peoples in all their diversity with access to basic health services and information.
CRS-PWD, Beth Aleph, DCV-MH, Caritas Spain MMU, Local Donations, UNFPA National, EA21/23, BMZ, HAPPEN, COPE.

Stimulate Local Economic Development and Market Systems to Create Income Generating Opportunities and Employment. Improve Workforce Employability Comprising all Persons of Working Age, Where Employability Refers to a Set of Capacities & Abilities.
RHEP, USAID-Baladi, YAP Sponsorship, MicroProjects, EA21/23, HiH Buildings

Respect the fundamental rights of women, girls, men and boys in all their diversity to access an effective justice and protection system. Host population, Refugees and Migrants are safe, empowered and supported in their communities, with access to life saving services.
CRS-PWD, RHEP, Beth Aleph, UNHCR Lebanon, CRS-RC, DEP, ProVictimis, MIRA, CS-Shelters, Misereor

Set up a structure by local institutions (municipality, UoM, SDCs & gatherings) to enable the participation of residents, civil society & private sector, and collect their opinions on needs, priorities, and sources of tensions at the local level so as to inform local decision-makers.
USAID-Baladi, Youth Empowerment Program YEP, Local Donations

Respond to the immediate shelter needs of the most vulnerable households. Contribute to longer term repair or rehabilitation and occupancy of damaged buildings. Support multi-sectoral approaches to rehabilitate affected areas.
3BC-Cach, Humanitarian Aids, Local Donations, Hungary Helps, DCV-Rehab, EA21/23

Protection and Health Assistance in Emergencies for Vulnerable Girls, Boys, Women and Men in Lebanon

10,770 unique beneficiary

Donor Caritas Austria with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA)
Budget 1,3 EUR
Duration December 2023 - April 2025
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LEA: Eradication of All forms of forced labor and exploitation in Lebanon

  • Migrant Workers Communities
  • Migrant Domestic Workers...

Donor Funded by the European Union & the Austrian Development Cooperation, implemented by Caritas Austria, Caritas Lebanon, Kafa & Amel
Budget N/A
Duration 2024-2026
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ILO Prospects – Integrating Career Guidance and Employment Services in Akkar and North Lebanon

The project aims to establish smooth pathways for vulnerable Lebane...

Donor ILO
Budget 250,000 USD
Duration 2023-2024 (10 months)
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The overall objective of the project “Access to Protection and Li...

Donor Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Budget 1 Million USD
Duration 2022-2025 (3 years)
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ASE Program

This project, started in 2022 and still ongoing until September 202...

Donor NovoNordisk Foundation
Budget 1,7 Million USD
Duration 2022-2024 (2.5 years)
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Hand in Hand

The 24-month project “Hand in Hand: Integrated Social Protection ...

Donor Caritas Switzerland (In partnership with Caritas Lebanon)
Budget 1,000,000 USD
Duration 2020-2022 (2 years)
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BALADI Program

The program which extended for 10 years with a total amount of 15 m...

Budget 15 Millions USD
Duration 2012-2022 (10 years)
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LEA – Lebanon: Eradication of All forms of forced labor and exploitation

Donor EU and Caritas Austria
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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C.E.I. 260/2018: Restoring Dignity and hope of women migrant domestic workers in Lebanon through ‎vocational trainings

Donor Conference Episcopale Italiana
Budget N/A
Duration N/A
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