First Caritas Internationalis Assessor’s Forum in Beirut

Caritas Internationalis held their very first CI Management Standards Assessor’s Forum in Beirut. 20 English and French speaking assessors from five regions attended this forum, in order to exchange experiences, procedures, tools and suggestions. The aim is to enhance the understanding and knowledge of safeguarding and risk analysis.



New committee for Keserwan I sector

Caritas Lebanon President Father Michel Abboud appointed a new committee for Keserwan I sector, headed by Mrs. Gracia Atallah Romanos, for the three next years, in the presence of Maronite Patriarchal Vicar of Jounieh Bishop Antoine Nabil Andari, Caritas Lebanon Executive Director Gilbert Zouein, and sectors Coordinator Father Roland Mrad.



“Enhancement of Non-Violent Conflict Resolution”

Caritas Lebanon- Youth in partnership with the German NGO Starkmacher is implementing the project “Enhancement of Non-Violent Conflict Resolution” in Lebanese Schools and Diverse Dialogue Circles as a Contribution to “Societal Stabilization and Conflict Prevention” funded by ifa (zivic Funding Programme).



Donors visit CL to explore IRC projects under LFF

A group of donor representatives visited Caritas Lebanon’s (CLs) Headquarters in Sin El Fil to explore the projects carried out under the “Support for Social Recovery Needs of Vulnerable Groups in Beirut” project.



Donation checkpoints in various Lebanese regions

Caritas Youth organized donation checkpoints in various Lebanese regions; from Akkar to Tyre, passing by Batroun, Jbeil, Keserwan, Metn, Hasbaya – Marjeyoun and Zahle.



Italian Bishops’ Conference representatives visit

Caritas Lebanon President Father Michel Abboud received the CEI Secretary-General Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi, accompanied by Father Leonardo di Mauro.



انطلاق مؤتمر الحملة السنوية 2023

تحت شعار “ومكملين بدعمكن”، أطلقت كاريتاس لبنان حملتها السنوية لعام 2023. وتأكيداً على دورها الحيوي بدعم المجتمع، تهدف الحملة إلى جمع المساعدات والتبرّعات لضمان استمراريّة مهمّتها وعملها في مساعدة الأفراد الضعفاء والعائلات في ظروف صعبة.



Workshop raising awareness on human rights

Within the framework of the Community Policing project, funded by FIIAPP, CIVIPOL and EU, Caritas Lebanon has inaugurated a workshop training of trainers (TOT) on human rights for migrants, refugees and stateless community mobilizers.



Free medicine distribution day in Ashrafieh

Caritas Lebanon organized a free medicine distribution day funded by BMZ and supported by Caritas Germany, at St. Joseph Health Care Center in Rmeil Ashrafieh during which 1,500 medication were distributed to approximately 465 beneficiaries.

