Health campaign for women in the South

Caritas Lebanon, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund, organized a health awareness campaign for women at Mar Elias High School – Darb El-Sim in Sidon – Zahrani and Nabatieh sector.



اليوم العالمي للقضاء على الفقر

أكثر من 50 جمعية خيرية واجتماعية في لبنان اجتمعت، بدعوة من رابطة كاريتاس لبنان وجمعية مار منصور، وبالتنسيق مع جمعية “عمل الشرق”، للتخطيط لليوم العالمي للقضاء على الفقر في 19 نوفمبر 2023.
فلنعمل معًا بهدف إحداث الفرق في خضم الأزمات والتحديات، ونقف الى جانب كل محتاج.



حصة توعوية بيئية في مركز البطريرك صفير

شارك طلاب مركز البطريرك صفير زحلة، من الصف الثالث أساسي الى الصف السابع أساسي، بحصّة توعية بيئية مع مدرّبين من “فكّر بيئيًا” التابعة لمؤسسة ميشال ضاهر الإجتماعية، تحت عنوان “رفض، إعادة استخدام، إعادة تدوير”. وكان التفاعل بنّاء بين الطلاب والمدرّبين



Handover ceremonies in Metn sectors

The head of Metn1 sector Hauda Nassar Rayes and the members’ committee were reappointed for a second term, and Father Michel Attieh was appointed as a spiritual guide.



Handover in Zgharta Zewye sector

A handover took place between the Head of Zgharta Zewye sector Margot Wehbe and the new one Hanane Al-Shweiter Habib. The Spiritual Guide Father Marcel Nasta and a new committee were appointed.



Special meeting with Keserwan 1 sector

Keserwan sector held a special meeting with Caritas Lebanon representatives in Jounieh Archdiocese. The meeting was attended by President Father Michel Abboud, and Sectors Coordinator Father Roland Murad.



Primary medical services to displaced Lebanese citizens

From the southern Lebanon, Caritas Lebanon, with support from the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA Lebanon , provides primary medical services to displaced Lebanese citizens from bordering villages.



Free medical day for the residents of Mansourieh collapsed building

In support of our community in Mansourieh, especially those affected by the building collapse, Caritas Lebanon’s Mobile Clinic provided free medical consultations and medication to 120 individuals. A total of 265 medicine boxes were distributed.



12,000 healthcare services to 800 individuals with special needs and elderly

Caritas provided 12,000 healthcare services to 800 individuals with special needs and elderly in Beirut and Mount Lebanon in coordination with the International Rescue Committee, administered by the World Bank Middle East & North Africa.

