Caritas Lebanon strives to increase access to education for disadvantaged children in Lebanon, believing that every child has the right to be treated as a person of dignity with all of his/her needs met, and that all students should have equitable access to learning opportunities. Our educational initiatives are designed not only to prevent early dropout, delinquency, and child labour, but also to assist students in achieving academic and personal success.
Approximately 41,000 children and 45,000 parents and caregivers benefit on a yearly basis from our programs which provides academic, financial, psychosocial, protection, medical, and specialized education services.
On-going Activities / Services
Distribution of hygiene kits (across the country)
Printing services and provision of educational materials and stationaries (across the country)
Mental Health and psycho-social support (MHPSS in BML and Bekaa)
Referrals to case management for children at risk of dropout (across the country)
Home work (HWS) and retention Support (BML, North and South)
Deploying community liaison officers in public schools (ECLs in BML, North and South)
Identifying out of school children (BML, North and South)
Providing basic literacy and numeracy program for refugee children and youth (BLN and YBLN in BML)
Promoting school enrolment (BML, North, South)
Conducting awareness sessions for children and caregivers (across the country)
Capacity building for educators and staff (across the country)

Recreational Activities including music and arts sessions (ML)
Specialized services for educational purposes (speech therapy, psychomotor therapy, psychotherapy in BML)
Cash for education assistance and/or transportation (BML)
Academic courses (languages, math, sciences, social studies) (BML)
Vocational/technical courses and training (cooking, hairdressing, chocolate and candles decoration, computer, ceramics, etc.) (BML)
Early identification, diagnosis and evaluation of disabilities in children (BML)
Developing, implementing and monitoring IEPs (BML)
Healthy meals and refreshments (BML)
Medical referrals (across the country)
Parents community groups (across the country)
School Rehabilitation (BML, Bekaa)