
Protection and Health Assistance in Emergencies for Vulnerable Girls, Boys, Women and Men in Lebanon

10,770 unique beneficiary



Caritas Austria with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA)


1,300,000 EUR


December 2023 - April 2025

PHASE – ADA 23-25

The project contributes to relief of immediate health and protection needs and building resilience against health and protection risks of vulnerable girls, boys, women and men in all their diversity from the host, refugee and migrant community in Lebanon.


  • Primary and mental health services: provision of consultations, diagnostic tests, medications, and MH awareness sessions through Caritas PHCCs and MMUs in the North and Mount Lebanon regions.
  • Health services for women (SRH) and for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Distribution of hygiene and dignity kits.
  • Provision of medical services and assistive devices for PWD cases.
  • Awareness sessions (SRH and GBV).
  • Protection services: case management for GBV survivors and persons at risk, provision of legal services, provision of PSS activities, cash for protection as part of case management (ECA), internal and external referrals for further intervention.
  • Protection services in the shelters: accommodation for women and girls affected or at risk of GBV in CL shelters, provision of food and NFIs, provision of legal services, provision of PSS activities, case management and counseling, provision of post shelter cash when leaving the shelters, post shelter case management.