
The overall objective of the project “Access to Protection and Livelihoods Opportunities for Women at Risk in Lebanon” is to address the urgent protection risks and alleviate the needs of the vulnerable populations, particularly survivors of gender-based violence or human trafficking to prevent negative coping mechanisms, and reduce the risk of exploitation, abuse, and human trafficking.


Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1 Million USD


2022-2025 (3 years)


Based on a needs assessment and consultations with the CCS residents, the Project has both a protection and livelihoods component that can respond to the resident’s protection needs and help them develop skills that can empower them to access employment opportunities, thus supporting their livelihoods.
Vulnerable women, including their children at the CCS has been benefiting from comprehensive protection services as well as livelihood activities, such as training and capacity building sessions which has supported them to access income generating opportunities.
The Project is providing technical training within agriculture and providing access to income-generating activities at the CCS garden and greenhouses, as well as sewing.
The production of agriculture items is being used at the Shelter but also shared with Caritas Social Eatery, who respond to food insecurity of vulnerable households.
The aim of combining protection and livelihoods assistance is to support these women to safely re-integrate into their communities. Once the women and their children can start the transition from the Shelter to the community they will be provided with a comprehensive post-shelter package that intends to support the transition in a safe and protected way.