
  • Migrant Workers Communities
  • Migrant Domestic Workers victims of human trafficking and at risk at CL shelter
  • Foreigner detainees at the DGGS Administrative Detention Center
  • Law enforcement – General Security and Internal Security Forces
  • Parliamentarians
  • Ministries (MOL, MOET, …)
  • NGOs
  • Lebanese Public
  • Other relevant stakeholders


Funded by the European Union & the Austrian Development Cooperation, implemented by Caritas Austria, Caritas Lebanon, Kafa & Amel




January 2024 - December 2026

LEA: Eradication of All forms of forced labor and exploitation in Lebanon

Despite the many challenges within the country, Lebanon remains a destination country for Asian and African migrant workers, who are exposed to high protection risks and easily fall victim to forced labor.


LEA aims to reduce forced labor and exploitation in Lebanon by improving protection and access to justice for migrant workers. It targets state authorities, law enforcement agencies, NGOs and civil society organizations to strengthen their ability to identify victims of abuse and improve access to justice and protection mechanisms. A total of 7,500 migrant workers are reached through the LEA project and supported with direct assistance, awareness-raising and legal assistance in Lebanon.