CARITAS Lebanon is striving for a developed, sustainable, and environmentally inclusive world. We believe that all human beings have a common origin and are created in the image of God and have the same dignity.
The main pillars of Caritas Lebanon’s Vision are Solidarity, Prosperity and Fraternity.
“Treat people, especially the weak and marginalized, as a brother who needs help and support” (Matthew 25:31-46).
CARITAS Lebanon is striving for a developed, sustainable, and environmentally inclusive world. Where people live a peaceful life, in harmony and solidarity between generations. Where everyone has the right to live in dignity and peace, in a responsible and sustainable manner.

CARITAS Lebanon believes that all human beings have a common origin. They are created in the image of God and have the same dignity. Its duty is the solidarity with all human beings regardless of religious, ethnic, nationalities, economic, political and ideological differences.

To achieve the vision, we are committed in:
– Helping needy regardless of race, creed, identity and beliefs
– Striving for an overall human, social, economic, and environmental development to improve the quality of life for needy.
CARITAS Lebanon treats people, especially the weak and marginalized, as a brother who needs help and support(Matthew 25:31-46)

Vision Elements