Graduation celebration in Damour and Barja

President Father Michel Abboud affirmed that “Caritas, stands with all Lebanese young men and women, and is heading to them in all Lebanese regions, to help them develop their energies and abilities so that they can work, produce and develop.”
Father Abboud’s speech was at the graduation celebration Caritas Lebanon held for 100 young Lebanese men and women, who participated in the training program funded by “Novonordisk” Foundation, in cooperation with Caritas Switzerland and Caritas Denmark, in the training centers in Damour and Barja regions, in the presence of the Executive Director Gilbert Zouein, Director of the Development and Livelihoods department Joseph Bou Assi, Abbot of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Plain, Sister Camelia Hanna, mayors of the region, officials and representatives of Caritas Chouf Coast and Saida sectors.